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How to Care for your Rings

All jewellery needs to be treated with care and your rings are no different!



This means avoiding contact with liquids, high and low temperatures, high impacts from dropping them etc. and exposure to strong sunlight for extended periods of time.



Water and other liquids like sanitiser, lotions and perfumes will make the resin and embellishments lose their shine and may loosen the glue which attaches the embellishments.



Extreme temperatures will also affect your rings. If your ring does become bendy because of heat it will harden again when in lower temps but it is best to avoid these conditions.



Dropping your ring or subjecting it to other high impacts may cause the resin to weaken and break and may cause the studs to become unattached so please do not do this.



Finally, direct sunlight will cause resin to discolour over time, so limit the time the rings spend in direct sunlight and store them in a cool, dark place like a jewellery box (not a glass one though!). This is particularly important during summer and in certain countries and will happen when you forget about your ring and leave it on the windowsill for instance.



Please keep all of this in mind when buying resin rings!

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